Blossom Eductional
At Chalfont St Peter Preschool, we use a secure online platform called Blossom to record the development of your child. Through Blossom we track and understand your child’s learning more effectively and build strong, trusting parent partnerships by sharing their development with you, allowing you to be more involved in your child’s journey through school with us.
Learning Journeys
Our staff here love using Blossom as it reduces paperwork so they can spend more time with children. By creating higher quality observations and linking them to the EYFS framework we track and monitor children’s progress enabling a greater understanding of your child’s learning and development.
Sharing the golden moments with you
We share diary timelines of your child’s activities here at nursery so that you can cherish those golden moments.
As parents, you can update your own profiles and your children’s information, including details such as their likes and dislikes, so we can be kept updated on how your child is doing at home.
Be more involved with your child’s development
A strong partnership with parents is crucial to give your child a solid foundation for development in their early years. We share your child’s progress with you regularly, keeping you updated and informed about the next steps. As a parent, you can contribute by sending in your own observations and notes from home so that we can build on this learning at the nursery. You can also see formative reports of your child and add in your own comments.
Security is of key concern to us and Blossom takes its security measures very seriously. To ensure complete safeguarding, we work together with Blossom who are compliant with OFSTED regulations and registered with the Data Protection Act. Blossom is firmly committed to enhancing its software to enable us to remain compliant with GDPR. Your data is stored and backed up frequently on cloud-based secured servers so it can never be lost. All passwords are encrypted so only you as parents and us as your child’s nursery have access to it. Blossom gives us control of safeguarding children within our nursery by allowing access to the platform on authorised devices only.
Download the Blossom app on iPhone and Android by searching for ‘Blossom Parent App’ in the App Store or Google Play Store.
More information can be found on their website - Blossom Educational